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Brighton Christmas Activities

Christmas at Brighton Mill in Shannon is an annual event and is looked forward to with great anticipation by all of the  Brighton's small fry.

At a very beautiful service in the school auditorium on Sunday evening, December 21, 1947, the Brighton Choral Club presented a group of carols and appropriate Christmas music.  The more than 60 members of the choral group rendered a very inspiring program, witnessed by an appreciative audience.  At the conclusion of the program the Choral Club was entertained by Mr. Morrison at a buffet supper at his Shannon home. In the living room, a group of Christmas Carols was sung and a local radio station broadcast the beautiful music.


Brighton Girl Scouts went through the village on Christmas Eve and sang Christmas Carols outside the windows of each shut-in.


Contributing most to the true Christmas Spirit was the friendship and comradeship which exists between members of the Brighton Family, not only at Christmas but throughout the entire year.

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