The Watters District Council for Historical Preservation, Inc.
97% of Brighton Employees Buy War Bonds
Brighton's Warp and Welt Magazine - October 1942
It's an old story but none the less true. Brighton has done it again.
More than 97 percent of all Brighton Employees have pledged themselves to continue the purchase of War Bonds through the payroll allotment plan. The ever present but friendly rivalry between the various departments reached a new high in this campaign. Top honors go to the Carding Department whose members on al shifts pledged 100 per cent to lend their dollars to help whip the Axis by purchasing War Bonds through the payroll allotment plan. The office also came through with 100 percent pledging.
In a recent letter to Brighton employees Mr. Morrison wrote:
My heartiest congratulations to the loyal Brighton employees! You have certainly shown that you have the right to be called patriotic Americans and that you deserve to continue to enjoy the freedom and the liberty which is our American heritage. It really is no surprise to me that our Brighton folks have come through in this matter as you have. You have never let Shannon down, and l was sure you wouldn't do it this time.
The overwhelming response of Brighton people to the War Bond campaign is but more evidence, one in a continually lengthening list, of their loyalty, patriotism and devotion to the principles of democracy and freedom. It is proof of another fact—when there s a job to be done, the folks in Shannon carry through to a successful conclusion.
Time and again, by their actions Brighton people have given positive proof of the fact that they can always be depended on to meet any challenge with flying colors—for, after all, SHANNON IS the best community in the world.